Online Surveys and Experiments
Online studies can be accessed on or off campus from any Windows PC connected to the internet with the Internet Explorer browser. (Online surveys will in future be made compatible with all browsers and operating systems, but current ones typically require Windows and Internet Explorer). Online participants are asked to access these studies only from reasonably quiet, private locations.
For additional research experiments offering participation credit please log into SONA, the Psychology Department's online Introductory Psychology Subject Pool administrator. The SONA link will be visible in your NEXUS profile after you are fully registered in an Introductory Psychology section. [Note: If there is no SONA link showing up after you log into NEXUS, this simply indicates that you are not yet officially registered in Introductory Psychology.]
Although most department experiments and surveys occur after the December break, many also become available sometime during the fall semester. Be sure to check SONA periodically to see what studies are currently available for research participation credit.
Fall Mass Testing
The Fall Mass Testing survey is now over for the current year. Be sure to periodically log into SONA to see what other department research studies might be currently available for research participation credit. SONA is accessed from within Nexus. Log into NEXUS, then look under "Projects" for the Introductory Psychology Research Participant Pool link. The listing of currently available studies can be accessed at that link at any time throughout the year.